We transport renewable natural gas made from organic waste – learn how
These centralized hubs allow for wider and more equitable participation of RNG in energy markets and helps remove many of the traditional obstacles that make it difficult for new companies to enter this type of market. 简单地说, we are enabling cost-effective market access for RNG producers by offering more economic viability and carbon-neutral energy opportunities. This 协作 is just another example of our commitment to reducing GHG, while also discovering innovative ways to increase energy resilience for our customers.
我们目前在USNG系统中有10个RNG互连, and we plan to rapidly expand and provide more capability before the end of this year. The first hub in 协作 with GreenGasUSA is targeted for in-service in the second quarter of 2023.
Stay tuned to hear more on our growing RNG developments and capability and learn more about how TC Energy’s membership in the RNG联盟 是在帮助能源进化吗.