TC能源的高品质产品组合, long-life energy infrastructure assets includes investments in seven power generation facilities with a combined generating capacity of approximately 4,600兆瓦——足以为400多万户家庭供电. Approximately 75 per cent of our power capacity is emission-less and we are leaders in the development and operation of high-efficiency, 天然气发电站. We also have a robust origination and trading platform in the 美国 and 加拿大.
随着北美可再生能源电力需求的增长, 新的水力发电, 太阳能, wind and energy storage capacity will be needed to meet growing demand and support a shift in the energy mix. TC Energy is well positioned to capture these opportunities given our 20+ years of experience in the power business and the multiple projects and opportunities we have underway.
位于大草原社区, 阿尔伯塔省, 熊溪热电厂 produces up to 100 megawatts of electricity to both Weyerhaeuser’s Grande Prairie Pulp and Sawmill and 阿尔伯塔省’s competitive electricity market.
了解更多b canour热电联产厂
The Bécancour Power Plant is a 550 MW cogeneration facility located in Bécancour, Quebec. It can supply electricity to Hydro-Québec Distribution to meet electricity demands in the province of Québec and provides a source of steam for a neighbouring company in the industrial park.
其安全核能发电的历史可以追溯到1967年, 布鲁斯电力公司目前提供安大略省大约30%的电力. In 2015, the plant entered into a long-term contract with the Provincial government extending its life to 2064, 确保几十年来稳定的无碳电力来源.
峡谷溪抽水蓄能项目, 距离欣顿13公里, will feature a 30-acre upper reservoir and four-acre lower reservoir and will have a power generation capacity of 75 MW, 提供长达37小时的按需服务, 灵活的, 为艾伯塔省电网提供清洁能源和辅助服务.
卡斯兰热电厂 has been providing 阿尔伯塔省 with up to 95 megawatts of electricity from its industrial cogeneration plant in Carseland, 阿尔伯塔省. It supplies power to Nutrien’s Carseland Nitrogen Operation as well as needed support for the Southern 阿尔伯塔省 electrical grid.
Crossfield天然气库位于卡尔加里以北50公里(31英里)处, 阿尔塔, 拥有68亿立方英尺的天然气. “枯竭的地下水库”设施, gas is stored in what was originally a naturally occurring gas reservoir.
TC Energy’s 埃德森储气库 holds up to 50 bcf (billion cubic feet) of natural gas for delivery throughout 阿尔伯塔省. 该设施位于艾德森西北32公里(20英里)处.
90兆瓦, 圣约翰的天然气热电联产设施, 新布伦瑞克, the Grandview热电厂 provides power for an Irving 石油 Refinery.
MacKay River is an industrial cogeneration project that is situated on Suncor’s MacKay River oil sands development, 麦克默里堡以西60公里(37英里), 阿尔塔.
TC Energy is proposing to develop an energy storage facility that would provide 1,000兆瓦的柔性, clean energy to Ontario’s electricity system using a process known as pumped storage.