Jun 21, 2024
Building Strong Communities
Our social impact program, Build Strong, 投资于对我们的社区和业务至关重要的组织. Whether we are providing grants to organizations, 为未来的能源问题解决者颁发奖学金,或支持将社区成员聚集在一起的当地活动, our goal is to help build strong, vibrant communities through mutually beneficial relationships.
Build Strong in the United States, donates to non-profits, registered charities, associations, municipalities, social enterprises, Indigenous groups and foundations that:
- 为急救人员提供保障社区安全所需的资源;
- improve access to education for future energy problem solvers;
- protect and enhance the environment for today and tomorrow;
- and mitigate barriers to well-being in our communities.
TC Energy优先资助那些能够清楚地表达预期社区对其资助申请的影响,并能够及时报告资助后的影响的组织.
In 2023, we invested more than C$34 million to over 2,超过1015个社区的000个不同的计划或奖学金获得者.
Build Strong申请每年从1月到11月开放. Decisions are typically made within 8-10 weeks.
Types of Funding
In-kind Donations
TC能源公司向某一组织捐赠的设备或资源. 一些例子包括家具、车辆、电脑和员工时间.
的 TC Energy Scholarship 该计划为入读高等教育机构的推荐全球十大赌博靠谱平台提供经济支持. We offer over 750 scholarships across Canada, the U.S. and Mexico to help develop the next generation of diverse, 创新的社区领袖,并为我们的行业提供熟练的劳动力.
Focus Areas
- Equipment for first responders
- Training for first responders
- Emergency Preparedness
- STEM Programs and Equipment
- Trades Programs and Equipment
- Career/Job Readiness Programs and Equipment
- 土地
- 水
- Species-at-Risk
Resilient Communities
- Food Security
- Local Celebrations
- Energy Access
- Natural Disaster Preparedness/Response
- Mental Wellness
TC能源技术中心为休斯顿青年创造了一个安全的空间,以获得高质量的服务, hands-on STEM education
TC Energy partnered with Comp-U-Dopt, 这是一家非营利组织,为休斯顿缺乏服务的年轻人提供技术和教育. Through this partnership, we are helping prepare the leaders of tomorrow, building strong and skilled workforces for the next generation. To address the critical need for 技术, 我们向有需要的推荐全球十大赌博靠谱平台捐赠了150台电脑和笔记本电脑以及200美元,000 to create the TC Energy Tech Hub. 技术中心是Comp-U-Dopt提供高质量服务的空间, hands-on science, 技术, 为休斯顿地区的数百名推荐全球十大赌博靠谱平台提供工程和数学(STEM)教育计划.